© Mélissa Girard
El Khoury, S., J. Gauthier, P.L. Mercier, S. Moïse, P. Giovenazzo and N. Derome. 2024. Honeybee gut bacterial strain improved survival and gut microbiota homeostasis in Apis mellifera exposed in vivo to clothianidin. Microbiology Spectrum. 12(10): e00578-24.
Tian, L., S. Bilamjian, D. Cuthbertson, T. Anumol, L. De Leoz, C. Julien, P. Giovenazzo, S. Chahal and S. Bayen. 2024. Impact of processing steps (filtration, creaming and pasteurization) on the botanical classification of honey using LC-QTOF-MS. Food Research International. 194: 114841.
Zhu, Y., M. Abdollahi, S. Maucourt, N. Coallier, H.R. Guimarães, P. Giovenazzo and T.H. Falk. 2024. MSPB: a longitudinal multi-sensor dataset with phenotypic trait measurements from honey bees. Scientific Data. 11(1): 860.
Gaubert, J., P.L. Mercier, G. Martin, P. Giovenazzo and N. Derome. 2024. Managing microbiota activity of Apis mellifera with probiotic (Bactocell®) and antimicrobial (Fumidil B®) treatments: Effects on spring colony strength. Microorganisms. 12(6): 1154.
Abdollahi, M., Y. Zhu, H.R. Guimarães, N. Coallier, S. Maucourt, P. Giovenazzo and T.H. Falk. 2024. UrBAN: Urban Beehive Acoustics and Phenotyping Dataset. arXiv preprint. arXiv:2406.03657.
Plamondon, L., M. Paillard, C. Julien, P. Dubreuil and P. Giovenazzo. 2024. Effects of summer treatments against Varroa destructor on viral load and colony performance of Apis mellifera colonies in Eastern Canada. Journal of Insect Science. 24(3): 14.
French, S.K., M. Pepinelli, I.M. Conflitti, A. Jamieson, H. Higo, J. Common, E.M. Walsh, M. Bixby, M.M. Guarna, S.F. Pernal, S.E. Hoover, R.W. Currie, P. Giovenazzo, E. Guzman-Novoa, D. Borges, L.J. Foster and A. Zayed. 2024. Honey bee stressor networks are complex and dependent on crop and region. Current Biology. 34: 1-11.
Bleau, N., N. Derome and P. Giovenazzo. 2023. Commercial probiotic formulas Bactocell® and Levucell® promotes spring brood production in honeybee (Apis melliefera) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. Journal of Insect Science. In press.
Gaubert, J. and P. Giovenazzo. 2023. Individual and social defenses in Apis melliefera: a playground to fight against synergistic stressor interactions. Frontiers in Physiology. 14:1172859.
Richardson, R.T., I.M. Conflitti, R.S. Labuschagne, S.E. Hoover, R.W. Currie, P. Giovenazzo, M.M Guarna, S.F. Pernal, L.J. Foster and A. Zayed. 2023. Land use changes associated with declining honey bee health across temperate North America.Environmental Research. 18: 064042.
Morin, M-L and P. Giovenazzo. 2023. Mite non-reproduction, recapping behavior, and hygienic behavior (freeze-kill method) linked to Varroa destructor infestation levels in selected Apis mellifera colonies. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. DOI :10.1177/10406387231172141.
Maucourt, S., A. Rousseau, F. Fortin, C. Robert and P. Giovenazzo. 2023. Observation of Genetic Gain with Instrumental Insemination of Honeybee Queens. Insects. 14: 301.
Abdollahi, M., E. Henry, P. Giovenazzo, and T.H. Falk. 2023. The Importance of Context Awareness in Acoustics-Based Automated Beehive Monitoring. Applied Sciences. 13(1): 195.
Levesque, M., A. Rousseau, and P. Giovenazzo. 2022. Impacts of indoor mass storage of two densities of honey bee queens (Apis mellifera) during winter on queen survival, reproductive quality and colony performance. Journal of Apicultural Research. DOI : 10.1080/00218839.2022.2126613.
Abdollahi, M., P. Giovenazzo, and T.H. Falk. 2022. Automated Beehive Acoustics Monitoring : A Comprehensive Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Future Work. Applied Sciences 12 (8): 3920.
El Khoury, S., P. Giovenazzo, and N. Derome. 2022. Endogenous honeybee gut microbiota metabolize the pesticide clothianidin. Microorganisms 10 (3): 493.
Borba, R.S., S.E. Hoover, R.W. Currie, P. Giovenazzo, M.M. Guarna, L.J. Foster, A. Zayed, and S.F. Pernal. 2022. Phenomic analysis of the honey bee pathogen-web and its dynamics on colony productivity, health and social immunity behaviors. Plos one 17(1): e0263273.
Grenier, E., P. Giovenazzo, C. Julien, and I. Goupil-Sormany. 2021. Honeybees as a biomonitoring species to assess environmental airborne pollution in different socioeconomic city districts. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193 (11): 1-14.
El Khoury, S., J. Gauthier, S. Bouslama, B. Cheaib, P. Giovenazzo, and N. Derome. 2021. Dietary Contamination with a Neonicotinoid (Clothianidin) Gradient Triggers Specific Dysbiosis Signatures of Microbiota Activity along the Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Digestive Tract. Microorganisms 9 (11): 2283.
Maucourt, S., F. Fortin, C. Robert, and P. Giovenazzo. 2021. Genetic Progress Achieved during 10 Years of Selective Breeding for Honeybee Traits of Interest to the Beekeeping Industry. Agriculture 11 (6): 535.
Rousseau, A., and P. Giovenazzo. 2021. Successful Indoor Mass Storage of Honeybee Queens (Apis mellifera) during Winter. Agriculture 11 (5): 402.
Rousseau, A., E. Houle, and P. Giovenazzo. 2020. Effect of shipping boxes, attendant bees, and temperature on honey bee queen sperm quality (Apis mellifera). Apidologie 51 (5): 724-735.
Dufour, C., V. Fournier, and P. Giovenazzo. 2020. Diversity and nutritional value of pollen harvested by honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies during lowbush blueberry and cranberry (Ericaceae) pollination. The Canadian Entomologist 152 (5): 622-645.
Maucourt, S., F. Fortin, C. Robert, and P. Giovenazzo. 2020. Genetic parameters of honey bee colonies traits in a Canadian selection program. Insects 11 (9) : 587.
Bleau, N., S. Bouslama, P. Giovenazzo, and N. Derome. 2020. Dynamics of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) gut microbiota throughout the overwintering period in Canada. Microorganisms 8 (8): 1146.
Rousseau, A., N. Lampron, E. Houle, and P. Giovenazzo. 2020. Évaluation des méthodes d'expédition des reines de l'abeille domestique (Apis mellifera L.)
Dufour, C., V. Fournier, and P. Giovenazzo. 2020. The impact of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) and cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) pollination on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colony. PloS one 15 (1): e0227970.
Lamontagne-Drolet, M., O. Samson-Robert, P. Giovenazzo, and V. Fournier. 2019. The Impacts of Two Protein Supplements on Commercial Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Colonies. Journal of Apicultural Research 58 (5): 800-813.
Rondeau, S., P. Giovenazzo, and V. Fournier. 2019. The Use of the Predatory Mite Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Mesostigmata: Laepidae) to Control Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in Honey Bee Colonies. Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (2): 534-542.
Rondeau, S., P. Giovenazzo, and V. Fournier. 2018. Risk assessment and predation potential of Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Acari: Laelapidae) to control Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in honey bees. PloS one 13 (12): e0208812.
Maucourt, S., V. Fournier, and P. Giovenazzo. 2018. Comparison of three methods to multiply honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. Apidologie 49 (3): 314-324.
El Khoury, S., A. Rousseau, A. Lecoeur, B. Cheaib, S. Bouslama, P-L. Mercier, P. Giovenazzo, and N. Derome. 2018. Deleterious interaction between honeybees (Apis mellifera) and its microsporidian intracellular parasite Nosema ceranae was mitigated by admistrating either endogenous or allochtonous gut microbiota strains. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 6: 58.
Martin, G., and P. Giovenazzo. 2018. Optimisation du nourrissage des colonies d'abeilles au sirop de saccharose lors de la pollinisation des canneberges afin de maximiser la pollinisation de la culture. Rapprot MAPAQ.
Before 2018